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Putin: There is no going back

Russian and Ukrainian people would find a way to resolve the conflict, Putin claims

Jun 14, 2024 12:54 42

Putin: There is no going back  - 1

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the world's strategic stability had been undermined by US actions. Putin pointed out that Russia and Western countries have almost reached the point of no return.

The president of the federation believes that “the selfishness and arrogance of Western countries have led to an extremely dangerous situation, bringing everyone close to the point of no return”.

„In the meantime, it has become clear that the Western scheme, proclaimed as the only correct one for ensuring security and prosperity in Europe and the world, does not actually work,” Putin said, giving the example of the tragedy in the Balkans. He emphasized that the problems in Yugoslavia have worsened due to gross foreign intervention, TASS reported.

Vladimir Putin, who launched a full-scale unprovoked war against Ukraine in February 2022, also claimed that “the Russian and Ukrainian people would have found a way to resolve the conflict, but it arose because of the adventurist policy of the West.


Putin also said that Russia did not start a war against Ukraine, and the aggressor was the "Kiev regime".

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the West's freezing of Russian assets theft and said such actions would not go unpunished. “Western countries have frozen part of Russian assets and foreign exchange reserves, now they are thinking about how to create at least some legal basis to finally appropriate them,”, Putin said on Friday at a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry. “He will not go unpunished,” said the Russian leader.

Yesterday, leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries agreed on a framework agreement to provide $50 billion in loans to Ukraine, using interest on Russian state assets frozen since the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2022. The aim of the deal is to ensure that it can operate for years regardless of who is in power in each G7 country - a hint at fears that the Republican US presidential nominee Donald Trump's party could be much less favorable to Kiev if he defeats Biden in November.

„Calls for the strategic defeat of Russia, which has the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extraordinary adventurism of Western politicians. They either don't understand the magnitude of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with their faith. Their own impunity and their own exceptionalism can lead to tragedy," Putin said.

„The United States, together with its NATO satellites, destroyed the decades-long system of confidence-building measures and arms control in the European space,”, the Russian president added. Putin reiterated that Russia has no intention of attacking Europe. “The anti-Russian propaganda campaign is accompanied by speculation that Russia will allegedly attack Europe. I have talked about this many times. We all understand that this is absolute nonsense,” said the Russian leader.

Europe needed good relations with Russia if it wanted to remain one of the independent centers of world development, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “If Europe wants to preserve itself as one of the independent centers of world development and the cultural and civilizational poles of the planet, it must be in good relations with Russia,” Putin said during a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry. “We are ready for this”, he emphasized.