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EU aims to create new sanctions regime to counter hybrid Russian threats

European Union leaders will meet tomorrow and Friday to discuss major issues including the war in Ukraine, the Middle East, security and defense and the latest political developments in Georgia

Jun 26, 2024 18:53 161

EU aims to create new sanctions regime to counter hybrid Russian threats  - 1

EU countries are seeking to create a new sanctions regime to counter hybrid attacks such as sabotage, cyber activities and disinformation campaigns, according to a draft final document expected to be adopted at the end of the European Council, reported Reuters, quoted by BTA.

European Union leaders will meet tomorrow and Friday to discuss major issues including the war in Ukraine, the Middle East, security and defense and the latest political developments in Georgia. They will also discuss a new framework to combat the hybrid attacks that have become more frequent in the last year.

"The European Council strongly condemns all types of hybrid activities, including intimidation, sabotage, foreign information manipulation and interference, disinformation, malicious cyber activities and the instrumentalization of third-country migrants," the draft final document states.< /p>

"In response to Russia's destabilizing actions abroad, the European Council reiterates its call for continued work in the Council to establish a new sanctions regime," the draft added.

Lithuania, in particular, is urging the EU to take a more decisive approach to such attacks.

In May, NATO said it was "deeply concerned" because of the recent hybrid attacks that affected the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The alliance blamed Russia for the attacks. Moscow regularly rejects Western accusations that it is involved in hybrid attacks.

EU officials said earlier this year that most member states are ill-equipped to combat media manipulation.