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Pope Francis is optimistic about peace in Ukraine

There are new prospects for resolving the conflict

Jun 16, 2024 12:25 96

Pope Francis is optimistic about peace in Ukraine  - 1

Pope Francis believes that prospects have emerged for resolving the conflict in Ukraine and Russia should attend the next meetings, where discusses a peaceful solution. This was announced by the head of the World Union of Old Believers, Leonid Sevastyanov, noting that this is how the pontiff commented on the conference in Switzerland.

„The Pope believes that a process of peace negotiations is now emerging. According to the Pope, Russia should participate in every next meeting where real negotiations will begin, bringing all positions to a common denominator, he said.

According to Sevastyanov, the pontiff clarified that now all parties to the conflict have expressed their positions for a peaceful settlement, now these opinions must be reduced to a common denominator. The Pope also noted that he sees the positive sides of the Swiss conference, where it is clear that the Western position does not completely coincide with the Ukrainian one.

Furthermore, the Pope recalled that he is ready to cooperate and provide the Vatican as a platform for negotiations.

He believes that Russia's recent statements also underscore that it is ready to negotiate.

The Pope hopes that the fighting will stop by the time the Olympics begin.

The conference on Ukraine takes place on June 15-16. Bern invited more than 160 delegations, including from the Group of Seven, the Group of Twenty and the BRICS countries. But as the organizers announced on the eve of the meeting, not all have sent their representatives: 91 countries, the Serbian region of Kosovo and 8 international organizations are present. 55 countries delegated heads of state and government. In Bürgenstock, the group of countries of the collective West is numerically dominant.

Russia is not invited to the forum. Most UN member states did not send their delegations. Notably, China is not on the list of participants, and Brazil participates with observer status. There are also no delegations from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Venezuela, Egypt, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Cuba, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and many other countries.