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The summit in Switzerland is a victory over Russian propaganda

Moscow failed to prevent the countries from expressing their attitude to the revanchist policy of the Kremlin

Jun 16, 2024 18:36 111

Vladimir ROSTOTSKY, Russian political scientist

The meeting opened and attracted a large number of participants, both among world leaders and representatives of international organizations. And this, of course, can be considered a victory for Ukrainian diplomacy, which with the outbreak of war turned not only to the West, but also to the countries of the “global South”, whose influence in the modern world is growing more and more.< /strong>

The summit is a victory over Russian propaganda, which failed to prevent the countries from expressing their attitude towards the Kremlin's revanchist policy.

In the context of the crisis of the UN and other international structures, which with the outbreak of the war against Ukraine actually lost influence on world processes, such a meeting has great positive significance.

It is a dialogue between leaders of countries located on different continents, which emphasizes the understanding of the fragility and global nature of peace on the planet.

Ultimatums and requests to give up rich territories will be perceived as a manifestation of frankly feudal thinking, morally outdated and unacceptable in the 21st century.

In fact, the meeting in Switzerland turned into a frank conversation about the contemporary realities of international relations and the prospects for the international community in the context of the rematch of imperial ideologies, neo-colonialism and total propaganda, which demonstrate regimes in the spirit of Putin.

In connection with Russian aggression against Ukraine, many countries no longer feel safe and are concerned about the prospect of “proliferation” of war.

There is a growing understanding in the world that Russia may not stop at Ukraine and is already taking threatening actions to destabilize the economic and socio-political situation in the same Western countries.

The countries of the “Global South” like no one else, they feel what it's like to be in the focus of Russian interests. Pressure on political life, outright looting of national resources under the guise of private military companies, incitement of terrorist groups against civilians, destruction of civil society structures is the hallmark of Russian neo-colonialism, the weight of which is now being felt in Ukraine.

Ukraine in particular, which has been fighting Russian aggression for the third year now, initiated a frank conversation about the pressure on the world order and ways to counter it.

This gives a chance to many local and regional conflicts, of which the same “global South” has suffered for decades, also become the subject of discussion and resolution.

The modern world must be built not on ultimatums, but on strict observance of the principles of international law, good neighborliness and mutual respect. This is precisely what Ukraine is aiming for by initiating a global meeting in Switzerland.