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Participants at the Switzerland Peace Forum described it as "fruitful, comprehensive and constructive"

The meeting ended with a closing communiqué

Jun 16, 2024 20:03 104

„The ongoing war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues to cause large-scale human suffering and destruction and create risks and crises with global consequences”, says the final communique of the conference on peace in Ukraine, which was held in Switzerland, as quoted by Ukrinform and BTA.

The communique stated that a fruitful, comprehensive and constructive exchange of views was held on pathways to a framework for comprehensive, just and lasting peace based on international law, including the UN Charter.

The participating countries declared their commitment to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, the principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states.

The countries announced a common vision on some important aspects.

First of all, any use of nuclear energy and nuclear installations must be safe, secure, protected and with measures to protect the environment. Ukrainian nuclear power plants and installations must operate safely and securely under the full sovereign control of Ukraine, in accordance with IAEA principles and under its supervision.

"Any threat or use of nuclear weapons in the context of the ongoing war against Ukraine is unacceptable," the communiqué reads.

Second, countries agreed that global food security relies on the continuous production and supply of food products, as well as the free transit of goods.

“Food security should not be turned into a weapon in any way. Ukrainian agricultural products must be provided safely and freely to interested third countries”, the document states.

Thirdly, there is agreement that all prisoners of war, including all deported and illegally displaced Ukrainian children, should be released by full exchange.

“This is why we have decided to take concrete steps in the future in the above-mentioned areas with the further participation of representatives of all countries”, the communique added.