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Putin demanded the capitulation of Ukraine: an expert explained the Kremlin's strategy

Putin's strategy was to polarize the participants of the conference in Switzerland

Jun 17, 2024 09:05 55

Putin demanded the capitulation of Ukraine: an expert explained the Kremlin's strategy  - 1

On the eve of the peace conference in Switzerland, Vladimir Putin formulated new conditions for a possible end to the war in Ukraine. Ukraine must abandon its plans to join NATO and withdraw its troops from four of its regions. In return, the Kremlin promises a safe withdrawal and a complete end to the war. If the West and Ukraine reject the proposal, it will not be made a second time, Putin said.

Following these conditions of Putin for a possible end to the war in Ukraine, the expert Gerhard Mangot warns of a strategic attempt to influence the negotiations and divide the international community, reported

His demands are nothing new, the president of the Russian Federation has demanded similar things before. More interesting is the timing of these requests, says expert Gerhard Mangot. “He is proposing a ceasefire on the eve of the conference in Switzerland and putting it on the table, so to speak, of the delegations negotiating there.“

Putin's strategy is to polarize the participants of the conference in Switzerland so that they feel compelled to accept his terms. Although Putin has proposed a possible ceasefire, he has also called for the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the parts of southern and eastern Ukraine still not controlled by Russia. Kyiv categorically rejects such crazy demands.

„This proposal is unlikely to produce constructive results,”, Mangot continued, stressing that it appears aimed more at bringing disunity and division into the global discussion on ending the conflict. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Putin's proposals are not serious.