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Poland closes border with Belarus

Warsaw regularly blames Minsk for migrant pressure

Jun 23, 2024 08:21 234

Polish authorities are considering closing the last two functioning border crossings on the border with Belarus. This was announced on Saturday by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorski, quoted by TVN24.

"In connection with the actions of Belarus, we are considering closing all border points, for now we are studying whether this will affect the Polish economy," said the minister.

He also emphasized that what is happening on the eastern border is currently a fully controlled operation by the Russian and Belarusian services. What is particularly shocking is that people are being instructed by Belarusian state officials how to hit a Polish soldier, a Polish border guard. This is completely unacceptable, he said, quoted by

He recalled that Finland has already closed its border points with Russia.

We remind you that earlier in June it became clear that the military units of the Polish gendarmerie will assist the country's army in patrolling the border with Belarus.

The head of the gendarmerie proposed this decision to Poland's defense minister, Władysław Kosyniak Kamisz, after the death of a soldier who was stabbed while defending the border. Sikorsky, made a strong request to the Belarusian authorities to identify and extradite the person responsible for the murder.

The Belarusian chargé d'affaires at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was handed an official note of protest.

Late last month, a soldier from the 1st Polish Armored Brigade was stabbed by migrants trying to cross the Polish-Belarusian border fence. The military said the serviceman, identified only as Mateusz, died in hospital on Thursday.

Belarus has said it is ready for a unilateral or bilateral investigation into the death of the Polish soldier, but on the condition that Warsaw provides "specific information about the circumstances".

There are six checkpoints on the Polish-Belarusian border. On the initiative of the Polish side, four are not functioning, and on the fifth, restrictions have been introduced for Belarusian trucks. At the moment, the movement of cars through the Terespol - Brest border crossing is possible in normal mode.

Warsaw regularly blames Minsk for the migrant pressure of citizens from the Middle East and Africa towards the border. According to the Polish border service, since the beginning of the year, more than 19 thousand attempts to illegally enter the country from Belarus have been registered.