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Rutte: I am extremely honored to be appointed Secretary General of NATO

"Leading this organization is a responsibility that I do not take lightly," he added.

Jun 27, 2024 08:59 68

Rutte: I am extremely honored to be appointed Secretary General of NATO  - 1

Mark Rutte expressed his deep honor to be appointed as the new Secretary General of NATO. Through a message shared on the X social network, Rutte expressed his feelings about this important appointment.

"It is a great honor for me to be appointed Secretary General of NATO. The Alliance is and will remain a cornerstone of our collective security. Leading this organization is a responsibility I do not take lightly," he wrote on the X social network.

On October 1, Rutte will replace the Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg at the head of NATO.

His term has been extended four times since 2014, when he was first appointed. The ambassadors of 32 NATO countries will ratify the appointment during the meeting of the North Atlantic Council, the alliance's political governing body, in Washington on July 9-11, Nova quoted.