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Estonia's climate minister nominated as prime minister

Kristen Michal will take over if current prime minister Kaia Kalas is appointed head of EU diplomacy

Jun 30, 2024 00:14 83

Estonia's climate minister nominated as prime minister  - 1

Estonian Prime Minister Kaia Kalas' Reform Party said, that he nominates Climate Minister Kristen Michal as his successor to the post of prime minister, if she herself is appointed head of diplomacy of the European Union, reported DPA, quoted by BTA.

The party's executive committee unanimously supported the proposal. Michal thanked himself for the trust and promised to fulfill his duties with dignity. He emphasized that his priority will be Estonia's national security.

The Kalas government is a staunch supporter of Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion and supports a tough policy towards Moscow. Earlier this year, her name was added by the Russian Interior Ministry to a list of people wanted on criminal charges.

On Thursday, Callas was chosen as the next head of European diplomacy by the European Council in Brussels. Confirmation of her appointment depends on the vote in the new European Parliament.

Kalas, who is Estonia's first female prime minister, plans to represent her country at the NATO summit in Washington, which will be held between July 9 and 11, DPA said.