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The White House made an extraordinary comment about possible peace talks with Putin

The Biden administration indicated that only Ukraine has the right to decide when those talks will begin, not Trump

Jun 27, 2024 11:38 112

The White House made an extraordinary comment about possible peace talks with Putin  - 1

The decision to open negotiations with Russia to end hostilities will be taken from Ukraine. This statement was made by the National Security Council's strategic communications coordinator at the White House, John Kirby, commenting at a briefing on the “peace plan” proposed by Republican Donald Trump.

According to him, President Joe Biden consistently and resolutely supports Ukraine, UNIAN agency reported.

„We have built a global coalition of more than 50 countries that support Ukraine in its defense. Biden recently signed a historic bilateral security agreement with Ukraine at the G7 summit in Italy. He understands that the stronger Ukraine's position on the battlefield, the stronger it will be at the negotiating table when the time comes. And you know who will decide when that moment has come?", stated Kirby, emphasizing that only Kiev has the right to set conditions for the Russian aggressor - without outside interference.

He emphasized that Washington's position remains unchanged - “nothing for Ukraine without Ukraine”. "We are working hard to ensure that President Zelensky has everything he needs to negotiate from a position of strength," the American representative said. According to Kirby, the White House will not force Ukraine to make territorial concessions, because if Putin is allowed to conquer Ukraine, the consequences will be dire.

Donald Trump wants Ukraine to do exactly that - give up 1/5 of its territory and make "peace" with the Russian occupiers. The Republican has said that if he is re-elected president of the United States, he will end the war in 1 day.

Two key advisers to Donald Trump have presented him with a plan to end Russia's war in Ukraine - if he wins the presidential election – in which it is intended to tell Ukraine that it will receive more American weapons only if it starts peace talks, reported Reuters. At the same time, the US will warn Moscow that any refusal to negotiate will lead to an increase in its support for Kiev, retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, one of Trump's national security advisers, said in an interview. The Kremlin said any peace plan proposed by a possible future Trump administration would have to reflect the reality on the ground, but that Russian President Vladimir Putin remained open to negotiations.