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Evo Morales: The President himself organized the coup attempt against himself

The former head of state of Bolivia accused Luis Arce of deceiving the Bolivian people

Jul 1, 2024 06:10 100

Evo Morales: The President himself organized the coup attempt against himself  - 1

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales accused his political ally, who then became his rival, President Luis Arce, that he deceived the Bolivian people by carrying out the coup attempt against himself last week in order to gain political points among voters, AP reported, quoted by BTA.

Morales was initially among the loudest voices in the country who said that around 200 soldiers who marched on Bolivia's government palace in armored vehicles on Wednesday had tried to stage a "coup d'état". "We are convinced that democracy is the only way to settle any disagreements and that institutions and the rule of law must be respected," Morales wrote in a post on social media "X". on the day of the military action. "We repeat our call for all those involved in this riot to be arrested and tried," he added.

But Morales yesterday joined others who believe Arce himself has staged a coup attempt to curry favor with Bolivians at a time when his popularity is extremely low. Arce "disrespected the truth, deceived us, lied not only to the Bolivian people, but also to the whole world," Morales said in a broadcast on local television.

Morales still wields great influence in Bolivia, particularly among coca growers and labor unions, while Arce faces simmering discontent as the country is gripped by an economic crisis.

Morales, a one-time friend of Arce, resigned as president in 2019 amid unrest after running for an unconstitutional third term and fleeing into exile. He supported Arce in the country's 2020 elections as the candidate of his Movement for Socialism.

But relations between the two soured when Morales returned from exile and later announced that he planned to run against Arce to be the candidate of the Movement for Socialism in the upcoming 2025 elections.