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Maduro is ready to resume negotiations with the United States

The President of Venezuela has accepted Washington's offer

Jul 2, 2024 05:57 76

Maduro is ready to resume negotiations with the United States  - 1

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said that he has accepted an offer to resume direct negotiations with the United States, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.< /strong>

"Next Wednesday I will renew talks with the US government so that they respect the agreements signed in Qatar,", Maduro said in his program broadcast every Monday. "After thinking, I have accepted and next Wednesday talks with the US government will start again to respect the agreements signed in Qatar and restore the terms of dialogue with respect,", Maduro said in the telecast.

In late 2023, Washington and Caracas reached an agreement on a prisoner exchange after months of negotiations brokered by Qatar. Venezuela's official negotiator and president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodriguez, will travel for the talks, Maduro said, without specifying the specific topics to be discussed.

Negotiations began about two years ago, but after US oil sanctions were reintroduced in April last year, Maduro's government accused the US of violating the agreement, Reuters recalls.