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Greta Thunberg detained during pro-Palestinian protest in Copenhagen

Six people were detained at the University of Copenhagen after about 20 people blocked the entrance to the building

Sep 4, 2024 11:23 105

Greta Thunberg detained during pro-Palestinian protest in Copenhagen  - 1

Danish police detained activist Greta Thunberg during a protest against the war in Gaza held in Copenhagen, Reuters reported, citing a spokesman for the student group that organized the demonstration, as quoted by BTA.

Six people were detained at the University of Copenhagen after about 20 people blocked the entrance to the building and three people entered, the same source added. The police refused to confirm the identity of any of those arrested, but a spokesman for the organization "Students Against the Occupation" told Reuters that Thunberg had been detained.

On a photo published by the daily "Extra Bladet", Thunberg can be seen with handcuffs.