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Serbia and Hungary strengthen economic ties through new infrastructure projects

The study for the new oil pipeline will be completed by the end of the year, and the new transmission line is planned for 2028

Sep 18, 2024 16:36 121

Serbia and Hungary strengthen economic ties through new infrastructure projects  - 1

Relations between Serbia and Hungary are at a historic level, and by the end of the year the study for the new oil pipeline between the two countries, which should be built by 2027, will be completed, Serbian Economy Minister Adriana Mesarovic said after a meeting in Budapest with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and foreign trade of Hungary Peter Szijjártó, Tanyug reported, quoted by BTA.

The construction of a new transmission line between the two countries is also being prepared, which should be completed in 2028, it became clear at the press conference.

During the joint conference, Minister Mesarovic assessed that the relations between the two countries are at a historic level. “Thank you, as the country holding the EU presidency, for seeing Serbia as part of the European community and advocating for Serbia's full membership in the EU. I am convinced that concrete results will appear during your presidency, Mesarovic said. She wished Hungary a successful fight against floods due to the increase in the water outflow of the rivers and said that Budapest can count on Serbia's help in this regard if necessary.

Mesarovic stated that energy stability was also discussed at the meeting. “Energy stability is one of the pillars on which we build our strategic cooperation. The whole world is facing a crisis, and Hungary and Serbia have successfully withstood the challenges. Our strategic partnership is very important“, Mesarovic said.

She recalled that the total foreign trade exchange between Serbia and Hungary in 2023 is EUR 3.1 billion. “Since the beginning of the year, foreign trade has been realized for 1.8 billion euros”, Mesarovic added.

Minister Szijjártó assessed that strategic cooperation between the economies of Serbia and Hungary is necessary. “Thanks to our cooperation, we were able to ensure security in energy supplies. It is important to strategically link our economies”, said Szijjarto.

He added that Serbia is a “100% reliable country” for Hungary regarding gas transit. “Hungary attaches increasing importance to “South Stream”, through which we supply the country with gas. Hungary already has 90 million cubic meters of gas in our storages. If necessary, we are ready to store larger quantities of gas for Serbia for the winter,” said Sijarto.

He announced that by the end of the year, the feasibility study of the new oil pipeline between Serbia and Hungary, which should be completed by 2027, will be ready. In addition, Szijjártó stated that the construction of a new transmission line is being prepared, which should ended in 2028

In addition to the bilateral meetings between Mesarović and Szijjártó, a meeting of the delegations of the two countries was also held, at which it was agreed to improve the economic cooperation between Belgrade and Budapest.