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EP calls for lifting restrictions on Western arms for Ukraine

EP calls for acceleration of ammunition supplies and expansion of sanctions against Russia and its allies

Sep 19, 2024 14:09 118

EP calls for lifting restrictions on Western arms for Ukraine  - 1

The European Parliament adopted today a resolution in which called on EU countries to lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons supplied to Ukraine against legitimate military targets in Russia. The text was adopted with 425 votes in favour, 131 against. and 63 abstained, reports the EP, quoted by BTA.

With the current restrictions, Ukraine cannot fully exercise its right to self-defense and is threatened by attacks, MEPs note. According to them, the supply of ammunition to Ukraine is insufficient and should be accelerated, including by providing TAURUS missiles. MEPs insist that the EU and NATO countries provide Kiev with at least 0.25% of their GDP annually.

The European Parliament is calling for an extension of EU sanctions against Russia, Belarus and other non-EU countries and entities that provide military and dual-use technology to Moscow. MEPs condemn Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia and call for further sanctions against Tehran and Pyongyang for their support for the war. They also emphasize the need to include more Chinese citizens and organizations in European sanctions.

The MEPs call on the EU to work to achieve the widest possible international support for Ukraine and to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict based on full respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. They are calling on the EU and allies to establish a robust legal regime allowing the seizure of Russian state assets seized by the EU as part of efforts to compensate Ukraine.