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Ilhan Kyuchuk: Bulgaria is lagging disastrously behind! At the moment, the first and last tranche under PVU is from 2022

More efforts are needed in the direction of accepting our country into the Eurozone

Apr 2, 2024 15:49 66

Ilhan Kyuchuk: Bulgaria is lagging disastrously behind! At the moment, the first and last tranche under PVU is from 2022 - 1

„Until now, Bulgaria has benefited very little from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RSP). The last tranche is from December 2022 and is 2.7 billion, in the following two years we have not received any money - to date, this is the first and last tranche for our country.“ This was stated to students by the MEP Ilhan Kyuchuk, during a public lecture at the Southwest University “Neofite Rilski”. The MEP was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic "Quo Vadis, Europa?" to the students of the university.

From Kyuchuk's lecture, the students were provoked to ask a lot of questions related to Schengen, the Eurozone, security and energy.

„More efforts are needed in the direction of Bulgaria's acceptance into the Eurozone, because the convergent report will not be good, due to the omission of many opportunities. The Eurozone and Schengen topics should be very high on the agenda of the Bulgarian political debate after the elections.“, the MEP was emphatic.

Kyuchuk said that important decisions are needed to ensure that the Union can work as a whole. He was adamant that after the challenges of recent years, the EU has learned its lesson that the politics of consensus should prevail. In his words, the future members of the EP should insist that Bulgaria has flexibility so that the funds that were initially allocated under the Recovery and Sustainability Plan reach our country.