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Georgi Svilenski: The vote of no confidence is a political message, to show the public the shortcomings of a given cabinet

Parliament is responsible, before it the official government is sworn in, the deputy pointed out

Apr 18, 2024 08:26 205

Georgi Svilenski: The vote of no confidence is a political message, to show the public the shortcomings of a given cabinet - 1

"Where in the Constitution is it written that this official cabinet must swear in the parliament?", asked the deputy chairman of the PG of the "BSP for Bulgaria" in the BNT studio.

"The vote is a political message, the vote is to show the public the shortcomings of a given cabinet," said Georgi Svilenski.

He pointed out that he who appoints must be sworn in before him.

"He is responsible. An oath is taken before him. Then, as you can see next to it, the caretaker prime minister makes a request to change a minister. And after the parliament will take the responsibility to be present and to be before him take the oath. It is normal for this same parliament to have the opportunity to exercise both parliamentary control over the government and the other instrument - a vote of no confidence," Svilenski added.