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Maya Manolova leaves "Levitsa"

Vanya Grigorova, elected municipal councilor in Sofia with the support of BSP and "Levitsa" has refused to enter the coalition's lists for the early elections

Apr 18, 2024 13:42 1 164

Maya Manolova leaves "Levitsa"  - 1

The chairman of "Stand up. BG" Maya Manolova has left the "Left" coalition. This was announced on social networks by Tsveteslava Galabova, who reports that the municipal councilor from the coalition for the local elections "BSP for Bulgaria" Vanya Grigorova has refused to be included in the election lists of the "Left".

Here is her explanation of what is happening in the left political space:

"On the occasion of the information that Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova will appear together in the elections and the many questions I received, I explain:

Mrs. Grigorova, who was nominated as mayor of Sofia by the BSP and the Left, refused our offer to be included in the lists. Under no circumstances does she agree. Maya Manolova, who was part of the Left, has herself chosen to leave us. It was good to say it to our eyes. After all, we all worked for her candidate-turned-councillor.

Of course, our coalition with the BSP is now minus two councilors.

Nice, we'll do without them

But that's not how it's done. The people say “”wove the sail, kicked the cross”. So much for “significant faces”. We have wonderful non-significant people - with experience, excellent professional realization and morals!!! We will succeed!"