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The National Revenue Agency continues inspections of Bulgarians with properties in Greece and the UAE

As a result of the audits, additional liabilities of BGN 671,377 have been established

Apr 19, 2024 08:12 124

The National Revenue Agency continues inspections of Bulgarians with properties in Greece and the UAE  - 1

The National Revenue Agency carries out inspections of Bulgarians who have properties in Greece, it is clear from the report of the agency for last year. The inspection covers Bulgarians who bought or sold property in our neighbor according to information for the accounting year 2016, received from the Republic of Greece through the automatic exchange, reported "Focus".

After 2,117 persons were selected, 64 were assigned checks to establish facts and circumstances, and 5 – asset and income compliance checks. 878 revisions were also made. By the end of last year, 61 of the inspections and 527 of the revisions were completed.

As a result, the owners have submitted 82 corrective declarations, and the amount of additionally declared tax on their incomes is BGN 89,309. As a result of the audits, a total of BGN 671,377 worth of liabilities were additionally established.

Checks are also being carried out on Bulgarians who bought properties with a material interest of over BGN 750,000 in the period 2019 - 2022. 97 checks have been assigned to establish facts and circumstances and 300 checks to match property and income. The control proceedings have not ended, and they will continue in 2024

In addition to properties in Greece, the NRA has also checked those who bought and sold real estate in the United Arab Emirates. In 2023, 161 such inspections were commissioned, with 159 completed. The tax authorities have established that only 22 of the persons are local to Bulgaria. 11 of them submitted declarations under Art. 50 of the VAT in the course of the checks in which they declared the properties they owned abroad. A report was prepared for 1 person and an audit was assigned, which has not been completed.

The National Revenue Agency continues the inspections of persons who indicated in their accounting balances for 2020 cash balances over BGN 100,000. After selection, 2,006 inspections and 11 audits of companies were assigned. As a result, discrepancies were found in the cash availability of 1,466 persons, and the value of the discrepancy between the cash funds documented as of the date of the inspection and those indicated in the accounting balance is BGN 551,988,000.

In the course of the control actions, 998 companies submitted declarations for the distribution of dividends in the amount of BGN 305,931,000. By the end of 2023, 1,728 inspections of the assigned ones were completed. For 257 persons, reports on the initiation of selection for the assignment of revisions were prepared, 204 revisions were assigned. 72 revisions have been completed, an additional BGN 6,150,000 in liabilities under the VAT Act and the Corporate Income Tax Act have been established.

Control actions are currently ongoing.