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The municipal councilors from the BSP want to know the truth about Sofia's garbage

Ivan Pashov insists that the mayor should announce the percentage of recyclable waste, the number of personnel and the costs of carrying out this activity from the beginning of the year until now

Apr 30, 2024 14:06 300

The municipal councilors from the BSP want to know the truth about Sofia's garbage  - 1

The municipal councilor from the group of the Local Coalition "BSP for Bulgaria" in SOS Ivan Peshev insists on receiving from the mayor Vasil Terziev clear information about the condition of the waste treatment plant.

In connection with numerous statements of the capital mayor about problems in the activity of the "Capital enterprise for waste treatment" Ivan Peshev answered two questions, through which he requested specific information.

"It is important that Mayor Terziev informs us about the results of the contracts concluded over the years for the separation of recyclable materials from the mixed household waste treated at the mechanical-biological waste treatment plant in the village of Yana, he said.

There are three contracts. I insist that the value of each one be shown. Also to receive information on the minimum staff employed for the duration of each of the contracts, on the volume of processed waste at the plant entrance, on the percentage of recovered recyclable waste (plastic, glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, paper, etc.), as well as and the realized revenues from the sale of recyclable materials".

He demands that the mayor report the percentage of recyclable waste, the number of personnel and the costs of carrying out this activity from the beginning of the year until now. Also, what are the realized revenues from the sale of these materials from the beginning of the year to date.

"According to the environmental reports of the managers of the "Capital Waste Treatment Enterprise" the plant does not fulfill some of the parameters of its complex permit, generating more than twice as much waste as is allowed to go to the landfill", comments Ivan Peshev.

In this regard, he requests specific information from Mayor Vasil Terziev about the amount of RDF produced for the last 5 years. (2019-2023); For the amount of waste that has not turned into RDF (under code 19 12 12) and goes to the landfill for the last 5 years; For the amount of recyclable waste (plastic, glass, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, paper, etc.) for the last 5 years; About the amount of waste deposited in the "Sadinata" landfill for the last 5 years and for the free capacity of the built cells from the "Sadinata" waste dump.