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They published the transcript of the meeting of the official cabinet, which authorized the establishment of a private children's hospital (Document)

The text shows that the official minister of health Galya Kondeva is reporting on it. It was then adopted without ministers or the prime minister expressing their opinions on it

Май 2, 2024 14:21 72

They published the transcript of the meeting of the official cabinet, which authorized the establishment of a private children's hospital (Document)  - 1

After sharp reactions from institutions, political parties and non-governmental organizations, acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev ordered the construction permit for a private multi-specialty hospital “Mama and I“ to be revoked the day after it was adopted. Accountability will be sought from the people who submitted the decision for consideration by the Council of Ministers, it was recorded in the message distributed by the government press office.

From the published transcript it is clear that the NHIF issued a positive opinion on the investor's intentions, but no other expert opinions on the case were cited.

Here is the full text of the mural under item 2 of the agenda of the caretaker government:

Point 2

Draft Decision on approving the establishment of a medical facility for hospital care.

DIMITAR GLAVCHEV: Minister Kondeva, welcome.

GALYA KONDEVA: Dear Mr. Prime Minister, dear colleagues, according to the presented project documentation, the investor Trade League intends to create a medical facility for hospital care, a multi-specialty hospital for active treatment "Mom and I", which will be implemented on the territory of the city of Sofia, and the activity will be in 39 medical specialties and in 30 clinics separate wards with a total of 413 beds.

Persons both under and over 18 years of age will be served. The investor is ready to build the hospital within 48 months from the decision of the Council of Ministers to approve the establishment of the medical facility for hospital care.

For the construction of the hospital, the investor has available property in a convenient location and the planned investment is in the amount of BGN 120 million.

The project will be implemented with cash from the investor's commercial activity, as well as through funds from banking institutions.

In the framework of the procedure under the Law on medical institutions, an opinion was also received from the National Health Insurance Fund, according to which it is considered possible to finance the activities requested by the investor during the period of their implementation and within the framework of those approved by the Supervisory Board of The National Health Insurance Fund financial parameters when concluding a contract.

I just want to state that all procedures have been followed to reach this project proposal. We have received the approval of all the institutions involved in this process, they are attached to the documentation, and in connection with everything I have presented, we are proposing a draft decision of the Council of Ministers to approve the establishment of a medical facility for hospital care on the territory of the city of Sofia.

DIMITAR GLAVCHEV: Thank you, Minister Kondeva.

Colleagues, do you have any thoughts on the matter? I don't see.

We approve the draft decision.