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The great-great-granddaughter of Gotse Delchev entered the BSP list for people's representatives in Blagoevgrad

I have said more than once that a large part of my heart is here, in the Blagoevgrad region, where my path to parliament began, said BSP leader Kornelia Ninova

Май 11, 2024 14:28 171

The great-great-granddaughter of Gotse Delchev entered the BSP list for people's representatives in Blagoevgrad  - 1

&bdquo ;BSP for Bulgaria” in the Blagoevgrad district is going to the upcoming parliamentary elections with a renewed list, combining youth, experience, ambition and belief in victory. The 16 candidates for people's representatives are from different municipalities in the district, with different professions, but sharing the same values.

At a meeting held in Blagoevgrad, all the candidates for people's representatives from the lists of the coalition "BSP for Bulgaria" were presented. for the upcoming elections on June 9.

„I have repeatedly said that a large part of my heart is here, in the Blagoevgrad region, where my path to the National Assembly began,” said BSP leader Cornelia Ninova during her visit to Blagoevgrad.

Together with the candidates for people's representatives from 1 MIR, they bowed before the Monument in honor of the Macedonian-Odrina militia.

„The Republic of North Macedonia has made commitments that it must fulfill, regardless of which government is in power. Bulgaria showed patience and goodwill for too long. Requesting new discounts is inadmissible. Anti-Bulgarian rhetoric and hate speech are absolutely unacceptable. We will not allow the humiliation of Bulgarian dignity and damage to the national interest of Bulgaria," said Cornelia Ninova in front of the monument.

Beside her stood Bistra Nizanska - the great-great-granddaughter of Gotse Delchev, who is on the list of “BSP for Bulgaria” for People's Representative from Blagoevgrad.