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Levon Hampartzumyan: There is a risk for our entry into the Eurozone if some Taliban appear in the administration

Good bread does not cost a lev or two, but much more and it is sold where there is a market for it, commented the financier

Май 14, 2024 18:56 87

Levon Hampartzumyan: There is a risk for our entry into the Eurozone if some Taliban appear in the administration  - 1

The probability of entry Bulgaria in the Eurozone in 2025 is very small, no one has ever entered the middle of the year. Hopefully we could do it in early 2026.

This was stated by the financier Levon Hampartsumyan to the BNR.

"An organized effort is needed. Political stability is not necessary if the people who change in the government of the country continue to work in the same direction. There is a risk if some Taliban appear in the government", Khampartzumyan warned.

And commented:

"The political crisis has a significant contribution, but it is not the only reason. Goranov's efforts were with the sincere desire and opportunities to enter the banking union, they made significant steps and then slowed down. Croatia has overtaken us, and their economy is no different from ours. There, the government and the population wanted it and it happened.

Levon Khampartzumyan praised the BNB that they are prepared to join the Eurozone, but "this readiness costs money, the efforts so far will bear fruit, but more money will have to be spent.

He gave as a good example Croatia, Slovenia and the Baltic republics, because they have a similar economy to ours.

According to him, the increase in pensions by 11%, and not 10% as originally announced, is "excess PR discussion" and "who is going to make a fool of himself with this money".

"The increase was announced by a government that no longer exists and it ended up being the current people fighting for 11%, whoever they are, and the PR effect falling on them. It's budgeted, done, and the fight is who will get the money, which is a shame because there is a Swiss rule," the financier believes.

About the regulation of the price of bread, the financier said:

"A naive idea that will not produce the necessary result. The production of bread, and what we eat, is a big topic, but good bread does not cost a lev or two, but much more, and it is sold where there is a market for it."