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An inspector from the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council was briefly detained for sexual hints to maids in a hotel

Alexander Mumdzhiev was in Vratsa, where he was supposed to check the district prosecutor's office

Май 16, 2024 10:55 220

An inspector from the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council was briefly detained for sexual hints to maids in a hotel  - 1

Inspector from the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJSC) Alexander Mumdzhiev sent sexual hints to maids and a waitress from a hotel in Vratsa, reported “Lex”. He was visibly intoxicated when he made the hints. Mumdzhiev was detained, but later released.

On May 8, Alexander Mumdzhiev went to Vratsa to conduct an inspection at the district prosecutor's office. He settled in a hotel, where, however, he began to make indecent proposals to the maids. For example, when they entered his room, he lay naked, covered with a blanket from the waist down, and asked them to iron his shirt. On the other hand, he asked for sexual services.

Last night, he promised a waitress in the restaurant that because he was an important person, he would take her by helicopter to a neighboring city to be treated.

According to unofficial information, Mumdzhiev has been abusing alcohol since his check-in at the hotel.

The hotel staff contacted the police. Mumdzhiev was briefly detained, then released.

The prosecutor's office is investigating the case.

An official position is also expected from the Inspectorate of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Inspectors are appointed and dismissed by the National Assembly.

Mumdzhiev is in fact serving a second term in the IVSS. Before that, he was an investigator in the Metropolitan Investigation Service.