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Today's weather forecast for Friday, May 24: Sunny and warmer. Rainfall in the mountains of the West

Highs will be between 22° and 27°

Май 24, 2024 03:00 50

Today's weather forecast for Friday, May 24: Sunny and warmer. Rainfall in the mountains of the West  - 1

Today will be warmer, with highs between 22° and 27°, in Sofia – about 22°.

Sunny weather will prevail, but in the afternoon there will be rain and thunder again, but mainly in the mountainous regions in the western half of the country, more intense and with conditions for hail in Southwestern Bulgaria

On the Black Sea it will be windy, but mostly sunny. Maximum temperatures there will be between 20° and 22°. The temperature of the sea water is 18°-19°.

In the mountains it will be more often sunny. After noon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop in the massifs of Western Bulgaria. There will be brief showers of rain and thunder. It will blow to a moderate wind from the east-northeast. On Saturday, the maximum temperatures will rise even more. It will be mostly sunny, with morning fog and afternoon showers mainly in the mountainous areas, more intense in the southwestern parts of the country. The weather will remain almost unchanged on both Sunday and Monday.