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Ninova from Blagoevgrad: We must pass a law on the Bulgarian language. To protect it from foreigners and simplification

Bulgarians, let us be proud of our contribution to world civilization. 23 countries and over 250 million people use the Cyrillic alphabet, the leader of the party also said

Май 24, 2024 11:51 63

Ninova from Blagoevgrad: We must pass a law on the Bulgarian language. To protect it from foreigners and simplification  - 1

Happy holiday of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and Slavic literature. Homage to the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, who gave light and joy to the Slavic peoples. Teachers, thank you. Bulgarians, let us be proud of our contribution to world civilization. 23 countries and over 250 million people use Cyrillic. The alphabet, speech, literature and culture have preserved us over the centuries and will unite and lead us forward as a people. We must take care of the richness, diversity and purity of the Bulgarian language. To protect it from foreigners and simplification. Let's protect it with a law on the Bulgarian language. He is our pride and our dignity before the world. Happy holiday!

This is what BSP leader Cornelia Ninova commented on the occasion of today's May 24, quoted by the party's press center.