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Radev: Our education, faith and culture preserved our people and brought them through the most difficult trials

I believe that the government, the parliament, all of us as a society will hear the call of the university rectors for an honest conversation about the future of our education and science, will let's look for sustainable, long-term solutions, added the head of state

Май 24, 2024 12:26 37

Radev: Our education, faith and culture preserved our people and brought them through the most difficult trials  - 1

Only one who does not know how much the destruction of ignorance costs can be afraid of the price of education. This is what President Rumen Radev said in his speech about May 24 - Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture, and of Slavic literature. The head of state participated in the solemn procession on the occasion of the holiday and the official ceremony in front of the National Library “St. St. Cyril and Methodius“, BTA reports.

Today, when countries around the world are racing to invest in science and education, we cannot afford the imprudence of neglecting the potential of our scientists, educators and researchers, the president said. I believe that the government, the parliament, all of us as a society will hear the call of the university rectors for an honest conversation about the future of our education and science, we will look for sustainable, long-term solutions, added Rumen Radev.

„Our enlightenment, faith and culture built Bulgaria as a country of the spirit, preserved our people and led them through the most difficult trials. After many years of oppression, the tradition of May 24 emerged from a time of enlightenment, a time of unprecedented literary upsurge, in which every work in the native language is a spiritual feat and is greeted with thirst and admiration by our countrymen. A time when the word awakened an entire nation”, the head of state said. Our ancestors built a European state precisely thanks to the first books that left the benches of the cell schools, he noted.

Rumen Radev said that during his visit to Rome yesterday, the doors for the Bulgarian delegation were widely opened as a sign of great respect due to Bulgaria's significant contribution to the development of European civilization, to our culture and enlightenment for the spiritual unity of Europe.

Let us not only today, but every day, remember that the dignity of a society, its standard of living and prosperity are directly related to the attitude towards knowledge, the head of state pointed out. A tribute to the educators of the Bulgarian people, Rumen Radev also said.