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Nikolay Denkov: Let's build this friendly Bulgaria in which we want to live

To the students, students and their parents, apart from the congratulations on the nice holiday, I want to call on them: "Be partners of your teachers. Only together with them can you go through the difficult path of learning new skills and knowledge, with which you can be successful in life", also pointed out Acad. Denkov

Май 24, 2024 12:56 62

Nikolay Denkov: Let's build this friendly Bulgaria in which we want to live  - 1

Congratulations on the brightest holiday of May 24th! This was stated by the former Prime Minister Academician Nikolay Denkov in a video address, quoted by

He congratulated all the teachers, professors, creators of science and art. "I wish you to be full of this creative charge and positive energy that has guided us through the centuries and that will help us to cope with the most difficult obstacles and build our future,", he added.

To the pupils, students and their parents, in addition to the congratulations on the nice holiday, I want to urge them: " Be partners of your teachers. Only together with them can you go through the difficult path of learning new skills and knowledge, with which you can be successful in life,", Academician Denkov also pointed out.
I wish everyone good health and creative success in the coming years, in order to build this welcoming and attractive Bulgaria, in which we want to live, and in which all Bulgarians who are scattered around the world want to live, Academician Nikolay Denkov also said.