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Yotova: University professors have every right to protest. I support them

Today's protest shows that the teachers are not satisfied, not so much for their salaries, but they are protesting for respect and authority, the vice president also commented

Май 24, 2024 14:11 54

Yotova: University professors have every right to protest. I support them  - 1

Teachers from higher education institutions have every right to protest, stated in Chepelare the Vice President Iliana Yotova, who today honored the city's holiday and the solemn celebration of May 24, broadcast by BTA.

I support them with all my soul and heart. We cannot say that we are one of the oldest civilizations, that Bulgaria is the basis of the creation of the Slavic civilization, along with the Latin and Byzantine, and at the same time, in the 21st century, when the biggest challenges are related to training, to education, to technology, we have national budgets that not only do not increase the gross domestic product for education, but they reduce it. This is shameful“, pointed out Yotova.

According to Yotova, today's protest shows that the teachers are dissatisfied, not so much for their salaries, but protesting for respect and authority.

The Vice President of Bulgaria also commented on the state policy regarding the Smolyan region, which is one of the depopulating regions in the country. “Unfortunately, the Smolyan region is the most depopulated region, and this is indicated by the latest rankings of the entire European Union. It is not Northwestern Bulgaria, but precisely the Smolyan region. This wonderful beauty – everyone who has come to Bulgaria says that it is one of the most beautiful places in Europe," she pointed out. "Let us, united together, at least on May 24, promise each other that we will find the three priorities for the development of Bulgaria, that we will have security for our citizens not only in terms of defense, not only in terms of internal security, but there is security for the future, for the economy, for the standard, for social relations within the country. And then the antagonism, partisanship, this partisanship, these scandals that flood us every day, will give way to a calm statesmanship conversation”, Yotova also pointed out.