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Boyko Borisov: We are the best of all and we can govern

Borisov emphasized that GERB needs a good result in the elections on June 9, so that we have a reason to stand up and say that if we are going to do something, we are the leaders and our program will be implemented

Май 24, 2024 20:43 133

Boyko Borisov: We are the best of all and we can govern  - 1

We needed to make changes in the party, to see our mistakes, to mobilize and I believe that we are now in an outstanding shape, the best of all and we can govern. This is what the GERB party leader Boyko Borisov said this evening in Pleven at a pre-election meeting.

He emphasized that GERB needs a good result in the elections on June 9, "so that we have a reason to stand up and say that if we are going to do something, we are the leaders and our program will be implemented.


"Behind us in every city are such battalions of people, and I am obliged for their sake not to bend GERB anymore, because you have trusted us for so many years, because so far I have never led you down the wrong path,", he also said in the address to the party sympathizers gathered in the hall.

Borisov added that coming to Pleven, he stopped at the "Hemus" highway. "The way I left it, the way I looked at it, and yesterday I couldn't pass through the center of Tarnovo for 50 minutes, the entire flow from here enters through the center. Now you will build it three times more expensive, dear Bulgarians, three years later, I hope it is not compromised due to natural phenomena", commented the leader of GERB.

In the pre-election meeting, the list of candidates for people's representatives of the GERB-SDS coalition for the 15th MIR-Pleven with leader Plamen Tachev was presented. Guests were also the candidates for MEPs Andrey Kovachev and Andrey Novakov, as well as the former Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov.