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After the visit of Glavchev and four ministers of the border crossing Malko Tarnovo - Derekoy: Pompous PR and zero results

The neighbors immediately felt that the person heading our delegation was unsustainable, spoke nonsense, did not bring any documentation for discussion

Jun 5, 2024 15:11 537

After the visit of Glavchev and four ministers of the border crossing Malko Tarnovo - Derekoy: Pompous PR and zero results  - 1

The Turkish project for the expansion of the most neurological checkpoint on the border with Bulgaria – Derekoi-Malko Tarnovo is completely ready, but from our side there is no project even in the conceptual phase.

We are at least two years behind the claims that we basically have for our southern neighbor to respond with understanding for the expansion and general civilization of the border crossings on both sides, combined with wide roads.

The unpreparedness of our state power, bordering on total carelessness, shone in front of Turkish partners during the visit of acting Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev and his four ministers to the checkpoint, reported, referring to a source who attended the closed-to-journalists working meeting.

Glavchev and his ministers - of internal affairs Kalin Stoyanov, of tourism – Evtim Miloshev, of regional development – Violeta Koritarova and the environment – Petar Dimitrov arrived at the border following the appeals of the mayor of Malko Tarnovo municipality, Iliyan Yanchev, to take measures to ease the traffic with the kilometer-long queues of cars in winter and summer, the dilapidated building stock and the broken mountain road to the border.

For the high-ranking guests from Sofia, a meeting with the neighbors was arranged, the level of which Glavchev did not allow at all, probably thinking that our televisions would film him for yet another superficial PR.

This meeting has indeed produced news, which, however, is not good for the image of Bulgaria's statehood, because we have proved to be completely unprepared for the implementation of such a project, which should be mirrored.

According to the source, only in the administrative hall of the border crossing Derekoy Glavchev, who was greeted with honors and greetings from the Turkish side, did he understand the actual scale of the reconstruction of the field - the Turkish authorities showed not only the project for a new border crossing, but a detailed specification of projects to open freight traffic and a highway ending at the very point from their side, which means that we should have the same readiness. .

At the same time, Glavchev boasted to the media that before this big meeting he had talked with the ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in our country, Mehmet Sait Uyanak, but apparently he did not understand the topic at all and until the end he thought that Malko Tarnovo was the border crossing point almost cosmetic repair needed.

At the briefing, Glavchev was unable to adequately answer a single question, because of this he tried to be original with the phrase that “the point will not be ready during the interim government”.

What is more unpleasant is that the neighbors were prepared with the smallest detail for the start of the common work on both sides of the border and it was exciting for them on this occasion to welcome a Bulgarian prime minister for the first time at the checkpoint, on their land . The competent persons immediately sensed that the person leading our delegation was incompetent, spoke gibberish, and did not bring any documentation for discussion.

On top of that, Glavchev profoundly emphasized that the Bulgarian state would be against cargo traffic. The mayors of the Burgas region had to delicately whisper to him that there is already a decision from our side and an agreement for the passage of turnpikes and the construction of a four-lane road.

However, the confusion continued because the Bulgarian head of state asked absolutely incomprehensible questions with a request through a minimum of actions on our part to refresh and minor repairs of buildings that have long been in need of demolition with an excavator.

The expansion of the point and the construction of a four-lane road to Malko Tarnovo became a cause for the mayors of the 13 municipalities of the Burgas region, who on Monday symbolically, together with the regional governor Prof. Maria Neikova, went to the meeting united and were categorical, that the implementation of this project is a strategic decision for the region.