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Ramadan Atalai: The line has been crossed. Dogan will come out with a position

When the situation is difficult around the DPS, then things are not going well in the state as well

Jul 5, 2024 19:48 89

Ramadan Atalai: The line has been crossed. Dogan will come out with a position  - 1

The border has been crossed. Since June 17, Dogan and Peevski have not spoken to each other. When the situation is difficult around the DPS, then things are not going well in the state either.

Thus, the long-time DPS MP Ramadan Atalay, who was expelled from the party's parliamentary group a few days ago, commented on Darik's air about the relations between the honorary chairman of the “Movement for Rights and Freedoms” Ahmed Dogan and the co-president Delyan Peevski.

“My view is, and I have previously suggested to Peevski, that he find the strength to stop his ego and call Mr. Dogan on the phone and talk. Because I have often heard him say: “He is my second father”, said Atalay.

Asked if there was a possibility of a compromise on the part of Dogan, the deputy admitted that it is possible that that time has passed and that the honorary chairman of the DPS should say for himself.

He also clarified that he is not a fortune teller to predict, but emphasized: “You should know that the border has already been crossed with the attempts of the last few days to force the people's representatives not to decide on the proposal of our honorary president, and to force about 30 people's representatives not to listen to the reasoned opinion of Mr. Ahmed Dogan. I think that the insinuations that are being made after that are dividing both political circles and our activists. Mr. Dogan, I think, will come out with a position at a convenient moment, and it won't be too far away.

The decision to withdraw confidence from Ramadan Atalay was made by a majority of the Regional Council of the DPS in Plovdiv

DPS clearly divided into two camps during the vote to support a cabinet with the GERB-SDS mandate, with 14 MPs complying with Dogan's call and voting “against”, and another 14 - with the opinion of co-president Peevski to support a government with Prime Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov. Afterward, some of them announced that the system had miscounted them, and the number of people who voted in sync with Dogan rose by several more.

Atalay explained that since June 17, Dogan and Peevski have not spoken to each other.

Then the Honorary Chairman sent an email notifying that the two Co-Chairmen – both Peevski and Jevdet Chakarov are equal. He added that Peevski's main mistake is that he thinks politics is like business – decisions are made individually, and it was not like that.

“This continued until the moment when he (Peevski – ed.) received an email from the honorary chairman, in which he precisely and clearly told him that the two chairmen, who were elected by the National Conference, were equal and should their signatures be placed on the documents together.

And another thing from the party statute is that it says that the chairman of the party is the chairman of the parliamentary group, and that's where the rift happened – Peevski decided that he should be the sole chairman of the parliamentary group.

Not that our other president has made such great efforts to oppose him, but it is clear that the collective body did not find Mr. Dogan, and there are probably other resistance forces that are currently presenting themselves to the public as intriguers , as people who go and brainwash Mr. Dogan.

Whoever knows Mr. Dogan, if he can change his mind with just two sentences or three sentences, without checking what he is talking about, I have not seen such a thing in 28 years,”, Atalay stated.

He refuted speculations about Dogan's deteriorating health. He stated that he saw him two days ago and that he was in excellent health.

From Atalai's words it became clear that until years ago Dogan was forcibly confined in his barns and was not allowed to go out even to the funerals of his loved ones with the warning that his life was in danger. He had security from the NSO, which was removed 4 years ago.

“When the situation is difficult around the DPS, then things are not going well in the state. He (Dogan - note ed.) is one of those statesmen who was always concerned about the state. Be convinced that the decisions he will make related to DPS will also benefit the state”, said Atalay.