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What did the politicians wish for Kurban Bayram?

On the first day of the holiday, the traditional prayer called "bayram namaz" is performed

Jun 16, 2024 20:52 114

What did the politicians wish for Kurban Bayram?  - 1

Today Muslims celebrate Kurban Bayram. The holiday this year is celebrated between June 16-19, celebrated over four days. The Muslim calendar follows the lunar cycles, so the holiday has no fixed date and moves forward 10 days each year from the previous year. On the first day of the holiday, the traditional prayer called “Bayram Namaz” is performed.

President Rumen Radev congratulates the Muslim community in Bulgaria on the occasion of Kurban Bayram. In his wishes, the head of state emphasizes that spiritual elevation, humility and forgiveness go hand in hand with kindness and compassion and strengthen the moral foundations of our nation, the press office of the head of state announced.

"I congratulate the Bulgarian Muslims on the occasion of the great holiday of Kurban Bairam and wish them health and well-being. Let the mercy, forgiveness and mutual support that accompany the holiday nourish every day the understanding and tolerance with which Bulgaria is an example".

The Mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, also congratulated the Muslim community in Bulgaria on the occasion of the Kurban Bayram holiday. He wished them health and well-being.

"May your homes be filled with warmth and joy", Vasil Terziev also said.

In his words, for Muslims, this day is a symbol of unity, sharing and forgiveness. The Mayor of Sofia expressed his belief that together we can continue to build a better society, filled with respect, love, peace and understanding.

Boiko Borisov from GERB congratulated on the holiday like this:

"Happy Kurban Bayram to all Muslim friends! And as the holiday teaches - let's all in Bulgaria continue to help each other and live in understanding, no matter what religion and ethnicity we are.

Kyril Petkov from PP also sent a message on the social network.

"During the campaign I met many new friends in Edirne, Bursa and Istanbul. I wish them and all Muslims living in Bulgaria a Happy Kurban Bayram! May the holiday bring prosperity, joy and warmth to your homes.

Dear Muslim friends, happy Kurban Bayram, said the temporary chairman of the BSP Atanas Zafirov, quoted by the party's press center.

I wish each of you peaceful days, much happiness and prosperity. Kurban Bayram is a spiritual celebration of compassion, respect for all people and solidarity. This is exactly what we all need today across the country. The times are troubled, but despite them, we are connected by those eternal human values that are the basis of civilization and are the only way to build a different Bulgaria, added Zafirov.

He wished everyone celebrating health, peace and hope that our country is waiting for a better future and better days for us and our families.

DPS Chairman Delyan Peevski greeted the Muslim community.

"I congratulate you on this great holiday and wish you health, grace and prosperity in all your endeavors. On these days, which symbolize reconciliation and forgiveness, I wish peace and understanding to all of you and your families. Happy Kurban Bayram!", adds Peevski.