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Bimbalov: We are a sham of a country, a sham of democracy

Bulgarians are like a kicked suitcase

Jun 16, 2024 20:23 86

Bimbalov: We are a sham of a country, a sham of democracy  - 1

The next elections will really put us in a terrible turbulence, from which I don't know if we will ever be able to get out. We are a sham of a country, a sham of democracy. We Bulgarians are like a kicked suitcase.

This opinion was expressed to the BNR by the writer Radoslav Bimbalov.

"They will form a government, that is clear. It will be a government that will be clothed in the form of a programmatic, expert one. Perhaps the prime minister will be figuratively removed from the ranks of GERB. But in fact, this will be a government that is lined up by the people behind Peevski, and these people are stupid, they are not others. These mutts are connected with the huge Russian flows in Bulgaria, economic, all kinds. This is the truth. Will they put on their lapels "We are program management", "This is national salvation"… They will add an ITN needle, which they power up just for such a moment – this government will happen", he commented.

At the same moment, Kiril Petkov showed serious inadequacy, the writer believes. According to him, the conceit and arrogance of PP-DB is the main mistake.

"I fear that those who should have jumped bravely when they should have not. Now they have a very short window in which to navigate. "I'm afraid many of them will be off the board at this point," he predicted.

We are a sham of a state, a sham of democracy, Radoslav Bimbalov is categorical, explaining:

"Satire is an attempt to look with a certain amount of irony at what is happening, but very often this irony brings pain more than smiles on our faces. In this particular case, it is. For me, what is happening, not just now in the elections, but what has been happening in the last decades in our country, is a disturbing imitation of statehood, an imitation of justice, an imitation of health care, an imitation of education, which is the most terrible . This "Historical Park", which at the moment has become a kind of symbol, unfortunately, for many Bulgarians of new hope, and for the rest of the Bulgarians – a symbol of fraud, ugly schemes and populism, this symbol "Historical Park" it is actually a symbol of Bulgaria for me. We are a sham of a country, a sham of democracy. This isn't very funny anymore.

In the show "Sunday 150" the writer called "Historical Park" "Disneyland". In his words, this is an amusement park, entertainment, a way to profit from people's interest in the past:

"The presence of similar attractions everywhere is logical. Concentrating on it right now is rather displacing the bigger case, the bigger problem – we forget about the "Eight Dwarfs", how it turned out that our entire justice system has been eaten from the inside and the Attorney General is clearly part of some criminal schemes – the current one, the previous one too. They had to kill one – two people to think about what our justice system is. I think we are forgetting the most important topics, and they are these, not "Historical Park" as much as it is valuable and meaningful, let him have it.

In his words, nostalgia is something dangerous when it is used by populists who act on someone's orders:

"They instill in us a nostalgia for the past, most of which is not even very authentic, not only to escape from the present reality, but to somehow shift the course of our thoughts and attitude towards the world that surrounds us. The most dangerous thing, in fact, is that the idea that Bulgarians are tired of democracy is creeping in, it is even becoming institutionalized. They are not just tired of elections, they are not just tired of somehow managing the democratic process, but of democracy in general.

Rumen Radev is one of the people who turned this into a completely normal narrative, stressed Radoslav Bimbalov. In his words, the president introduced something curious:

"We are already talking against the parties – the parties are to blame, not just the political system. The idea is that we are beginning to gradually accept the fact that we don't need parties and such kind of government, but we need firm government by one person who is assumed to make the decisions alone. This is imposed as a model. To my great dismay, this pattern does not come entirely by accident, but comes very purposefully from the whole hybrid war that the new Russian Empire waged 10 years before physically attacking Ukraine.

The writer's concern is that large sections of society would accept this model.

"I have always been embarrassed by this feeling of Bulgarians about a suitcase. We are a suitcase that is always either kicked, or dumped, or forgotten, or stolen, or overflowing with something. This feeling of a suitcase is very scary. It is a lack of initiative that was purposefully eradicated during the communist regime. Someone always needs to push us somewhere, carry us somewhere, someone to come and fix us".