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Today's weather, forecast for Monday, June 17: Sunny, cumulus clouds over the mountains in the afternoon

Highs will mostly be between 30° and 35°

Jun 16, 2024 20:42 102

Today's weather, forecast for Monday, June 17: Sunny, cumulus clouds over the mountains in the afternoon  - 1

Today will be sunny, after noon over the mountains in the western half of the country will develop cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds and it will rain in places. It is also possible to thunder. A light wind will blow from the western quarter. Maximum temperatures will mostly be between 30° and 35°, in Sofia - about 30°, reported the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), quoted by BTA.

Atmospheric pressure will rise slightly and will be higher than the average for the month.

On the Black Sea it will be mostly sunny. After lunch, the characteristic sea breeze will blow. Maximum temperatures will be 27° - 29°. The temperature of the sea water is 20°-23°. The excitement of the sea will be 1-2 points.

In the mountains it will be mostly sunny. After noon, cumulus and cumulus-rain clouds will develop in the massifs of Western and Central Bulgaria and in some places it will rain, it is also possible to thunder. It will blow to a moderate wind from the west quarter. The maximum temperature at 1200 meters will be around 24°, at 2000 meters - around 18°.