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The weather today, forecast for Thursday, June 20: It will remain sunny and hot

The maximum temperatures will be from 34 to 39°

Jun 20, 2024 03:00 71

The weather today, forecast for Thursday, June 20: It will remain sunny and hot  - 1

Today the minimum temperatures will be between 17 and 22°, in Sofia 17°, BNR reported.

The maximum in the country will be from 34 to 39°, in the capital 34°.

It will be sunny along the Black Sea coast with an afternoon northeast breeze. Air temperatures will be up to 28-31°. Sea water is 21-24°. The excitement of the sea will be 1-2 bales.

Over the mountains it will be sunny, with slight cloudiness after noon and moderate wind. The maximum temperature at 1200 m above sea level will be up to 28°, at 2000 m up to 20°.

The weather will be unchanged on Friday and Saturday.