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The military intelligence files a report against a deputy from PP-DB, DSB

The service declares that they will not allow encroachments on the authority of the institution

Jun 29, 2024 18:46 128

The military intelligence files a report against a deputy from PP-DB, DSB  - 1

After the interview of Stoyan Mihalev from "Military Intelligence" announced that they are filing a report with the prosecutor's office, DANS and GDBOP because of his allegations.

The office states that they will not allow encroachments on the institution's authority. They will counteract the attempts to sabotage its activities, which are carried out in the conditions of an extremely tense and dynamic situation, the position also says.

The Military Prosecutor's Office should investigate the head of the "Military Intelligence" Brig. gen. Venelin Venev for abuse of power, demanded today in its position the "Democrats for a strong Bulgaria" party. (DSB).

Here is the entire position of the DSB:

We are contacting you in connection with a position sent by the “Military Intelligence” to the media about her report to the prosecutor's office, DANS and GDBOP against People's Representative Stoyan Mihalev regarding his statements in the studio of “The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov” on the air of BNT this morning, June 29, 2024

This is the second case, within a week, in which the Service “Military Intelligence” is used aggressively politically against people's representatives from the PG of “We continue the change-Democratic Bulgaria”. Obviously, after the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Service, the SVR becomes the new club of the hidden state.

We remind Brigadier General Venelin Venev that according to Art. 11 of the Law on Military Intelligence - “military intelligence cannot be assigned tasks of an internal political nature. It does not collect, process, analyze or store information of an internal political nature.

In this sense, we consider that the engagement of the service, by its head, with tasks not characteristic of its activity, is a gross trampling of its authority and an abuse of power.

With this statement, we publicly refer the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria to open an investigation against Brigadier General Venev for an official war crime under Art. 387 of the Criminal Code, consisting in abuse of power.

We remind Brigadier General Venelin Venev and his political puppeteers, also that according to Art. 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria - “people's representatives do not bear criminal responsibility for the opinions they express and for their votes in the National Assembly”.

Finally, we reiterate our position that we will not abandon our security services reform agenda, the need for which is becoming increasingly urgent.