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Margarita Asenova: Biden has a cold or summer flu

It was clear that Biden was sick even after his first sentence, said the representative of the "Jamestown" Washington Foundation.

Jun 29, 2024 19:44 200

Biden had a bad night, but Trump was not a good president.

Margarita Asenova, Foundation "Jamestown", Washington DC, stated this to BNR.

A poll conducted by CNN after the presidential candidate debate shows that Donald Trump has defeated Joe Biden in the viewer preferences. According to data released by the television station that hosted the debate, 67% of viewers thought Trump won the televised showdown, compared to 33% who cast their vote in favor of Joe Biden.

"It was clear to me that Biden was sick as soon as he said his first sentence. It's either a cold or summer flu. The volume of the voice is reduced, as is the concentration. This gave the impression that he was not very well and very strong. It questioned the support of some people.

Trump told a lot of lies".

The situation was extremely sterile, she explained in the program "Saturday 150".

"It was not allowed to enter into a direct dispute. There was no audience. The rules reduced the effectiveness of the debate".

Biden did not do a good job of presenting his policy, Asenova pointed out.

"But the Democratic Party needed a cold shower.

Only Biden can decide whether to withdraw his candidacy. In my opinion, now is too late to promote another person.

If there is another candidate, it should be Kamala Harris, Asenova believes.

The next 4 months will be a matter of mobilization and clear opinions about Biden's policy, Asenova also pointed out.