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Lubcho Neshkov: The manipulation in North Macedonia is brutal

The strong man in the region turns out to be Aleksandar Vucic, the journalist believes

Jun 29, 2024 19:34 152

The manipulation in North Macedonia is brutal!

This was stated before the BNR by Lyubcho Neshkov, BGNES agency.

He reminded that it is impossible to change the negotiating framework for joining the RSM to the EU and noted that "there are deeply anti-European figures in the new composition of the Macedonian government".

One of the leading news is about the complex accounts and deals for the distribution of the top posts in the European Union after the European elections. Such calculations led 5 years ago to the formation of a foreign policy team in Brussels, which failed in the task of opening the way for the Western Balkans to the European community and making the candidate countries for membership do the necessary to make it a fact.

RSM has had a new government for a week - headed by DPMNE and Hristiyan Mitskoski - which is apparently satisfied that Europe will remain a foreign country for them.

The tension between Kosovo and Serbia is rising not without the help of the top European diplomat Borel and the mediator Lajcak, whose countries - Spain and Slovakia - do not dare to recognize the independence of Pristina from Belgrade, as well as the European Commissioner for enlargement - the Hungarian Varhei.< /p>

For Bosnia and Herzegovina, the outlook is also increasingly bleak - because the leader of the local Serbs, Milorad Dodik, is just one step away from secession.

The strongman in the region turns out to be Aleksandar Vucic - the Serbian autocrat who tries, like Yugoslavia's Tito, to balance the global players and whom America and Europe, for some strange reason, please.

Lyubcho Neshkov commented on the words of Hristiyan Mitskoski, who stated that the changes to the Constitution, by which the Bulgarians should be included in it, will not be accepted while he is in office.

"What is important is the context and the messages he sends already upon taking office.

One of the leading figures in the Macedonian government is very controversial and dangerous, Neshkov also pointed out.

Ivan Stoilkovic holds the post of Deputy Prime Minister, he will also head the Ministry for Relations with Individual Nationalities in North Macedonia. Hours before he was appointed, he was at an international forum in St. Petersburg organized by Shoigu.