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ITN deputy: Rosen Zhelyazkov is an acceptable candidate for prime minister

According to her, it is good for politicians to focus first on the implementation program, and then on personalities

Jun 29, 2024 18:43 131

ITN deputy: Rosen Zhelyazkov is an acceptable candidate for prime minister  - 1

„For me personally, Rosen Jhelyazkov is an acceptable candidate for prime minister. That is not to say that everyone in my political formation thinks so. A compromise figure must be found”. This was stated in the program “Offensive with Ljubo Ognyanov” on NOVA NEWS, the deputy from “There is such a people” Pavela Mitova.

According to her, it is good for politicians to focus first on the implementation program and then on personalities.

„If a party does not enter the plenary session, it is a kind of kind of support to let the others do something without you counting your vote. We will come in, register and vote against the first mandate, Mitova also commented. She did not want to predict whether he would be successful.

„When we say something, we do it. The other political formations often share in the public space one intention and then their actions are different. For the moment, there is a refusal from the PP-DB to participate in a negotiation process with the first and second, but this does not mean that they will not change their opinion”, explained the MP from the PP-DB.

In her words, if one of the mandates goes to them, they will invite all formations to a conversation to achieve something together.