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Nikola Tulechki: There is a proportion of truth and a proportion of fabrications in propaganda messages

In Bulgaria, propaganda is bubbling everywhere, said the representative of "Data for Good"

Jun 27, 2024 06:38 36

Nikola Tulechki: There is a proportion of truth and a proportion of fabrications in propaganda messages  - 1

The most successful propaganda is that which is based on 100 percent truth. This is what Nikola Tulechki from "Data for Good" told FOCUS.

Social networks generate less democracy due to fragmentation and opacity and are an integral part of politics: "This is not only in Bulgaria, it is a global phenomenon".

"In every propaganda message there is some proportion of truth, some proportion of fiction. If any piece of content that we see generates any emotion in us, whatever it is - fear, anger, surprise, they are 6 emotions, whatever emotion we feel, we should pay attention that it might be some kind of propaganda message and to approach it a little more carefully. And this is my light bulb - if something generates some emotion, it is very likely a propaganda message", Tulechki explained.

According to him, propaganda is bubbling everywhere in Bulgaria: "There is a lot of overlap with marketing, with PR - people have learned and so it is bubbling everywhere. They use, for example, one of the six emotions that are used is surprise, and that's why all the titles are there - “Shock", “Bomb", “Look, wow, wow, here you won't believe what happened and click the link", in a comment. They try to generate emotion, which in itself has some secondary effects. People who binge consume online content are quite angry and upset.