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Yotova: There are definitely some hesitations in GERB

We look like a peripheral country in the eyes of our NATO partners, the vice president also said

Jun 28, 2024 15:37 58

Yotova: There are definitely some hesitations in GERB - 1

We look like a peripheral country in the eyes of our NATO partners, the vice president said< /strong> Iliana Yotova in Plovdiv. She commented on the refusal of the head of state to head the Bulgarian delegation at the NATO summit after the official end of the International Forum for the Cyrillic Alphabet. Language. Identity“ in the Regional History Museum in the city, broadcast by BTA.

"I cannot comment on the content of this matter because I do not know the text of the Ministerial Decision. I don't know if anyone else knows it except the authors of the text themselves. The difficulty, in my opinion, arose from the fact that we currently have an official cabinet, for which the president of the country, according to the latest constitutional amendments, is not responsible. That is, there is some position of the Council of Ministers, which must become known to all and receive its sanction. I want to emphasize that we are a parliamentary republic, and the decisions that will be taken at this meeting in Washington are extremely important . The degree of tension is very serious and it is not serious that we are not aware of this position", commented Vice President Iliana Yotova.

"Bulgaria's participation in the NATO summit was approached very frivolously. This doubt that was created - whether the president will go, whether the prime minister should go and as what he is going - as prime minister or as foreign minister. Just imagine how we look in the eyes of our partners. We look like a peripheral country and that's why I think that there should be a stable government as soon as possible to put an end to these experiments. It is insulting to me that we put ourselves in such a situation. So I hope that we all see what is written in this text and understand why it was in no way consulted in advance with the president, why there are reservations about being presented and before the National Assembly. Above all, as Bulgarian citizens, we have the right to know what position the Bulgarian government is taking at this very important meeting", Yotova also said.

Iliyana Yotova also commented on the awarding of the first mandate and the possible formation of a government in the near future. "As far as I understand, the president has scheduled the handing over of the first mandate for Monday, so from now on, when the first political force takes the mandate, it will have one week under the Constitution to make its decision. If you are asking for my personal opinion and observation, I still do not have an answer for myself whether GERB wants to form a government or will go to elections. In the first political force, there is definitely some hesitation, if one judges by the statements that the media convey, the vice president said.