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Velislava Dureva: Brutal geopolitical pressure is being exerted on the BOC

We must admit that grandfather Grigoriy "carried" all the weight of these most tense moments after the death of grandfather Neophyte. He withstood very cruel pressure, something that people did not notice

Jun 30, 2024 18:45 87

Velislava Dureva: Brutal geopolitical pressure is being exerted on the BOC  - 1

"Congratulations to be the new Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil, journalist Velislava Dureva told BNR.

"He must be above all a spiritual man. I know all three candidates. I have known Grandpa Daniil and Grandpa Grigoriy from the time when they were very young monks in the Hadjidim Monastery. They are the spiritual children of the late grandfather Nathanael, it was a real joy for me to see them both for this election, because there is no jealousy between them. They are other people.

I think that after a long period of very severe tension in the BOC, which was caused, to say the least, by unreasonable actions of certain circles from the Holy Synod, this shook the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, we got to the point where there were protests in front of the Synodal Palace, the Orthodox Bulgarian people to be divided, which is unacceptable.

We have to admit that grandfather Grigoriy "brought out" all the weight of these most tense moments after the death of Grandpa Neophyte. He endured a very violent pressure, which the people did not notice, but he held on, and managed to get the church ship over cogs and over rocks.

For me, grandfather Daniil is worthy, grandfather Gabriel is also worthy, we have many wonderful spiritual metropolitans.

It will not be easy for the new patriarch. Brutal political and geopolitical pressure is exerted on the Bulgarian church.

And the main representative and leader of this pressure is currently here, there is no reason to lie, it is the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

Bartholomew is the main destroyer and schismatic of holy Orthodoxy, he strives for sole authority among the autocephalous Orthodox churches, he does not want to be first among equals, he wants to be first without equals, believes Velislava Dureva.

She also said that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew does not advise the Bulgarian Holy Synod to recognize the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, because, according to Dureva, it will meet the strong resistance of both Patriarch Daniil and other metropolitans.

"In the last 30 years, the war against Orthodoxy has acquired a hysterical character, it is a war against Orthodox civilization, this Orthodox Church is hindering a lot, because the head of the Orthodox Church is the Lord Jesus Christ, and all the others are man-made, this is a big and a serious collision, Velislava Dureva also said.

"Thank you very much for being here on this important day, so that I can, as an ordinary layman, express my joy that our church now has a superior and is stronger and more protected from all political situations, he told BNR Svetla Todorova, master of theology.

"For me, the belief in the creative process is strong, I felt the icon as an impact on me first, it gives me a lot of energy, and through the icon people get the same energy, comments for BNR and Petar Bagalev - icon artist.