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Sergey Stanishev: Three years we are in timelessness

In fact, today's politicians are hostages of their own speech, of hatred - of each other and of speaking only to their hard cores, because fewer and fewer people participate in elections, disappointed with many reasons

Jun 29, 2024 11:49 89

Sergey Stanishev: Three years we are in timelessness  - 1

It is clear that either there will be early elections if they do not understand - the seventh in a row, which is absolutely irresponsible to the people. This is theft of the future, because for 3 years we have been in timelessness and Bulgaria is not moving anywhere and is at a standstill - this is what he commented in the studio of "The day begins with Georgi Lyubenov" the former prime minister, PES chairman and until recently MEP Sergey Stanishev.

"Or there will be a government that is based on the votes of GERB, DPS and possibly a third party, perhaps ITN, or some more individual deputies. These are the alternatives. But what are the reasons that we are in this situation once again because people got tired of watching this theater... Because for me politics to be useful has to have three things, maybe four, as elements of motivation and achieving results. First, there must be an idea, secondly, there must be a thought process, and thirdly, there must be consistency in order to have trust," he explained.

According to him, there is also another element - it is the conversation, the dialogue and the reaching of some agreement, which is always based on a compromise. According to Stanishev, at the time of the triple coalition there was reason, respect and responsibility.

"In fact, today's politicians are hostages to their own talk, to hatred - to each other and to the fact that they speak only to their hard cores, because fewer and fewer people participate in elections, disappointed with many reasons. And instead of looking for the expansion and motivation of those who did not vote to come to you, you speak to your hard core and then tremble lest one or another of your actions takes away a few tens of thousands of votes that turn out to be decisive, whether you are first or third, for example, from your votes," he added.

Sergei Stanishev believes that the first condition for us to go somewhere as a society is to normalize speaking.