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Harizanov: No one wants to be the creator of the "Oresharski 2" cabinet and to be a participant in it

"Sad story. It is unpleasant for me to live in such times," said the analyst regarding what is happening with the Velichie party in the parliament. According to him, there are several problems in this "multi-layered ideological organization"

Jul 2, 2024 11:09 94

Harizanov: No one wants to be the creator of the "Oresharski 2" cabinet and to be a participant in it  - 1

"No one wants to be the creator of a government "Oresharski 2" and be a participant in it. If there is no clearly stated support based on clear priorities and goals, it will be quite natural that there will be no enthusiasm among the participants in this administration, and no enthusiasm in society either. It is quite natural that after some 100 days, which are the normal tolerance for every single thing, for this government to resign and go".

This is what the analyst Georgi Harizanov commented before the BNR.

"Sad story. It is unpleasant for me to live in such times," he said about what is happening with the "Greatness" party. in the parliament. According to him, there are several problems in this "multi-layered ideological organization".

"After everything we have seen over the years, we also lived to see "Greatness"", Harizanov pointed out in the program "Before All". And added:

"Whatever happens tomorrow, in the event that this government is voted in, these arguments and everything we have heard, the whole plot around this party will make it so that we are going back to the years of the Oresharsky government . At the moment we are slowly starting to get into this hypothesis before tomorrow's vote. Nothing in the personality and political history of Rosen Zhelyazkov and the nominees for ministers deserves such treatment and such comparison, and it is already beginning to impose itself. The situation in which the entire political system has fallen is increasingly unpleasant to watch and comment on, but it is becoming increasingly unpleasant to live with.

In his words, the main problem is in the systemic parties. Management does not tolerate vacuums, explained the analyst:

"When the so-called systemic parties do not manage to send out the right people, send out the right messages and thus win enough votes, sell their political product to enough people in the elections, similar phenomena are possible, which with the insignificant normal turnout of 100 thousand .the voice at the moment to become the central plot".

According to him, it is most normal for GERB to propose their strong figures as part of a possible new cabinet.

"GERB and the other political forces continue to live with their hard core in mind and everything that is done and said is aimed at GERB voters. Both the presence of Borisov in the presidency and at the consultations, and at the handover of the mandate, and the composition of the government are a clear message to the voters of GERB.

Why does the Minister of Justice have to be someone else's, Georgi Harizanov asked regarding the proposed draft cabinet.

"Why don't we accept that the ministries of justice, agriculture are ministries that are led by sector specialists and that this is some gesture of continuity in relation to the caretaker government, if you will, and to the president. And it is a message that the world does not begin and end with this government. Continuity should not at all costs be interpreted as mafia meddling in politics, because that plot has run out".