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The chairman of "Velichie" Albena Pekova, deceived by Ivelin Mihailov, asked the National Assembly to pay her the subsid

She lived in a shack with an outside toilet because she was deceived into financing in the park

Jul 2, 2024 15:32 94

The chairman according to documents of "Velichie" ;, announced as such on the party's official website, Albena Pekova called the landline of the Administration in the National Assembly to ask when the party subsidy will be paid, "Trud" reports.

In the last elections, her political formation received 99,862 votes, against which it should receive 798,896 BGN per year if there are no new elections.

Purely feminine and emotional, Albena Pekova said that she had a vital need for the money, because three years ago she sold her only property for 84,000 euros, which she invested in the village of Neofit Rilski with a promise from Ivelin Mihailov for a beautiful house with 2 acres yard.

Since then she has been forced to live in a dilapidated shack with an outdoor toilet.

In response, the parliament employee explained to her that the state party subsidy is paid quarterly and if the documents are submitted on time, the first tranche of about BGN 200,000 should be paid at the end of August, beginning of September.


Until now, Albena Pekova has not commented on the topic.