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Rumen Radev: I offered GERB a minority government

120,000 citizens of RSM have received Bulgarian citizenship on the basis of proven origin with documents

Jul 2, 2024 18:04 98

Rumen Radev: I offered GERB a minority government  - 1

During the consultations before each party, I raised the question of their proposal for a formula for forming a cabinet. I am not surprised by this proposal of GERB, because during the consultations with them, to my questions, they expressed their disappointment that they could not propose a government due to the lack of support from the parties. I pointed out that there are minority governments around the world. However, this requires responsibility and political courage. It is normal for them to propose such a government. Yes, it carries risks and is something new to our political system. It requires responsibility and political courage. It depends on the reactions of the parties in the parliament – whether an approach will be taken to solve some of the most important tasks or whether we will go to early elections again.

This is what President Rumen Radev said in Athens.

„To a great disappointment, the state leadership of the RSM is not ready for the post for many reasons. Knowledge of international law is required, which is clearly lacking. When an international treaty is signed, it must be implemented by all successive governments, not revised. Knowledge of constitutional law is also required.

Their constitution protects collective rights, and our constitution upholds individual rights.

Apparently there is no knowledge of European legislation – where there are council exceptions, they are not negotiable, but must be enforced. Knowledge of statistics is a must – these are well-known facts that at least 120,000 citizens of the RSM have received Bulgarian citizenship on the basis of proven origin with documents.

Basic knowledge of human rights is required – we don't beat people of different identities, we don't burn down their clubs, we don't keep them away from the administration. There's a lot to learn from this guide, we're ready to help them.

We have supported the RSM on its European path and we are ready to provide help where there is a lack of knowledge”, assured Radev.