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"Child Protection" checks whether parents breathed paradise gas in front of their baby

Information about the case was submitted through the Agency's official website

Jul 4, 2024 20:05 70

"Child Protection" checks whether parents breathed paradise gas in front of their baby  - 1

The State Agency for Child Protection is referred to a photo in which, according to unconfirmed information, parents are using balloons with heavenly gas in the presence of her baby. Information about the case was submitted through the Agency's official website.

SAPD has sent letters requesting information and taking action on competence to the Directorate of “Social Assistance” in Plovdiv, the Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sozopol, to the RZI in Burgas and to the Mayor of the Municipality of Sozopol.

The Agency recalls that according to the Child Protection Act, any person who becomes aware that a child needs protection is obliged to immediately notify the Directorate of "Social Assistance", the DASP or the Ministry of the Interior. The same obligation applies to any person who has become aware of this in connection with his profession or activity, even if it is bound by professional secrecy.

You can make a report by calling the National Children's Helpline 116 111, which is open 24/7 and is free. Or on the official e-mail of the SACP - [email protected], as well as on the website of the Agency.