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Georgi Kiryakov: Until Dogan finishes "eliminating" Peevski in the party, he will not speak

"This is the attack of Delyan Peevski, who is the leader of the "young lions". What will happen from now on - will there be a faction, which will follow Peevski or everyone will unite around Ahmed Dogan, then the blow has already been struck," added Kolyo Kolev

Jul 8, 2024 22:38 125

 Georgi Kiryakov: Until Dogan finishes "eliminating" Peevski in the party, he will not speak  - 1

The DPS parliamentary group must decide who will be the candidate for prime minister. However, in this case, do we have a candidate for Prime Minister? The head of the PG is Delyan Peevski, on the one hand he stated his desire to immediately return the mandate, and on the other - as if it were the other way round. It's hard to say how this procedure will play out, but it won't matter for this term either way. This is what the sociologist Kolyo Kolev said in the studio of "The Day ON AIR".

In his words, talks between the parties may create potential conditions for the third mandate.
"Neither DPS can do without Dogan, nor Dogan can without DPS at this stage. It is no accident that he is the honorary chairman of the party and it is no accident that since then whoever is chairman is with the express consent of the honorary chairman. Nothing else so far in DPS has been shown to work. Even less a name that is not acceptable to a large part of this ethnic party's voters. This would be evident in some elections, in which if Peevski decides to break away from some part of the party, where will the many DPS voters go", commented political scientist Georgi Kiryakov for Bulgaria ON AIR.
He is of the opinion that people will follow Ahmed Dogan, not Peevski.

"Peevski wants to fully control the party. The aim is not to split the party, but to control it. Dogan owns her. This is the attack of Delyan Peevski, who is the leader of the "young lions". What will happen from now on - will there be a faction that will follow Peevski or will everyone unite around Akhmed Dogan, then the blow has already been struck," Kolev added.

Kiryakov, on the other hand, thinks that until Dogan is done with the "elimination" of Peevski in the party, will not speak.
"Now is the process of requesting who will take whose side. It is a matter of choice among the people with the strongest influence in DPS where they will go. As everywhere, DPS is a party in which factions and wings are led by some people. What is important in this type of party is the undisputed figure, as in GERB it is Borisov, and in DPS it is still Ahmed Dogan. And the final decision will always be his", commented the political scientist.

He emphasized that by the early elections the problem in the DPS will be solved, but it will be to the detriment of Delyan Peevski.

"In every situation there will be a reflection. When there is a battle of this type, there is always electoral damage. From here it depends on the magnitude. Too many contradictions have built up between the political elites. This cabinet, in order to be created, must be equally unacceptable to each of the parties, but also postpone the elections themselves. But if it comes to new elections, President Radev will be under very strong pressure to enter the political scene", Kolyo Kolev added.

"The president is a possible alternative in this situation, but it is not known whether he will succumb to the temptation. Society expects him the most", Georgi Kiryakov is emphatic.