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For the first 6 months of the year-151 reports of possible corrupt actions by employees of the Ministry of Interior

This is shown by the data from the report on the implementation of measures from the Anti-Corruption Plan of the Ministry of the Interior for the first six months of the year

Aug 23, 2024 07:53 225

For the first 6 months of the year-151 reports of possible corrupt actions by employees of the Ministry of Interior - 1

151 reports were received with data on possibly committed acts of corruption by employees of the Ministry of the Interior for the first six months of 2024. This is stated in the report on the implementation of measures from the Anti-Corruption Plan of the Ministry of the Interior for the first six months of the year, cited by BTA.

Directorate “Internal Security“ works on 137 of them. 64 inspections were completed, 19 of which were justified, 28 – unfounded, 11 were sent to other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office, and six were added to signals already checked. On the initiative of “Internal Security” eight pre-trial proceedings were initiated at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For comparison for all of 2023 in “Homeland Security” 352 reports were received, containing data on possibly committed acts of corruption, of which 276 remained for work in the directorate. 144 inspections were completed. Of these, 35 were valid, 94 were unfounded, and 15 were added to already verified alerts. 31 pre-trial proceedings were established.

In line with the measure for an objective and comprehensive study of the exported data on illegal actions of Ministry of Internal Affairs officials, in 2024, in the Directorate of “Internal Security” 78 alerts have been received. Of these, 25 have been sent to the competent prosecutor's office for adjudication, 42 have been sent to other structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to competence, the work on seven is ongoing, and on four the inspection has been completed, and the specified data has not been confirmed.

When implementing the measure for an objective and comprehensive investigation of the exported data on illegal actions of employees of the Ministry of the Interior:

In the Regional Directorate (OD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Burgas one case of corrupt behavior of an employee - bribery - was found. Disciplinary proceedings have been instituted;

In the ODMVR-Varna, two reports were received from citizens about corrupt actions of officials, which were dismissed as unfounded; Seven reports were registered in the ODMVR-Vratsa and after checks were carried out they were accepted as unfounded;

Two alerts have been registered in the ODVM-Montana, one has been concluded as unfounded, and the work on the second is ongoing;

14 signals have been registered in ODMVR-Ruse, of which one has been confirmed. A proposal has been prepared to initiate proceedings for a serious violation of official discipline;

In ODMVR-Silistra nine signals were registered. Of them, no violation was found in one, three – an inspection is pending, four inspections have been carried out and the materials have been sent to the relevant prosecutor's office with an opinion of termination as unfounded;

In ODMVR-Smolyan 27 reports were received. Checks on 18 of them have ended as groundless, and on the other nine – continue;

The ODMVR-Haskovo registered two reports, on which inspections were carried out and no violations were found;

In connection with unregulated connections, damaging the prestige, two disciplinary proceedings have been instituted against two employees of the Border Checkpoint (BCP) “Gyueshevo” for committed serious violations of official discipline and unregulated relationships damaging the prestige of the service. They were punished with "dismissal".

There were also 33 reports against officers of the “Border Police”. On the initiative of “Internal Security” pre-trial proceedings were initiated against four employees. 29 employees were removed from a corrupt environment. Data on disciplinary violations have been sent to three employees.

Through the video surveillance system of the Border Crossing, video recordings are reviewed with the aim of preventing and countering corruption by Border Crossing employees. One case of corrupt behavior was established. The employee was imposed a disciplinary penalty of “dismissal”.

During the work of the permanent commission for control and verification of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, one employee from the “National System 112” was found to have tested positive for alcohol and his employment was terminated at his own request. In ODMVR-Plovdiv, one employee has reported a positive result for alcohol, and an investigation is underway in the case. A disciplinary proceeding has been instituted in ODMVR-Yambol.

When conducting tests to verify the performance of official duties of the employees in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 42 were positive and 22 were negative. The directors of regional directorates have been notified of the established data on disciplinary violations. Information has been received on two punished employees.

When studying the candidates for appointment to the civil service in the Ministry of the Interior and the candidates for training at the Academy of the Ministry of the Interior (AMVR) for the academic year 2024 - 2025, 217 candidates for appointment to the Ministry of the Interior were rejected using psychological methods, which is 11.7% of all candidates who appeared in competitions, as well as 108 candidates-cadets for AMVR, which is 21.9% of all who appeared.